Who invented the camera and when?

Who invented the camera and when

The impression of what we see with our eyes gets formed in our brain and with the passage of time these impressions start to fade. 

The scenes seen can be repeated by remembering themselves to some extent, but perhaps it will not be possible through words if someone else is told about the same scene.

Painting was first developed to solve this problem, but, to paint a content through painting is very time consuming and patient and does not necessarily make the picture exactly like its model  Be it only  Faced with these challenges, man discovered the 'camera'.  

But do you know that camera invented So the answer is, the great inventor of France, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, invented the initial form of the camera in 1824.  With this device, any object or scene could be copied exactly.
Who invented the camera and when

Camera invention and development of photography

Humans have done many experiments in developing photography, since then simple and reliable techniques of photography have become available today.

The versatile rich Leonardo da Vinci first noticed that if there is light in a dark room from a small hole in a wall or door, then the object on the outside of the hole or the small part of the scene on the wall in front of the hole  The reverse image is formed.

In this way, Vinci succeeded in drawing the image of the object with pencil by placing paper on the wall.  Based on its discovery, the world's first camera 'Camera Obscura' was made by making a microscopic hole in the anti-light box.

This experiment by Leonardo da Vinci is considered a milestone in the history of photography.  

In time, a convex lens and a plane mirror were placed at an angle of 45 degrees to make it smaller and transportable.  Later on, cameras with highly improved features were made.

The great scientist J.C.  J. H. Shulze coated silver nitrate and calcium carbonate on a metal plate by cutting and pasting letters of paper over it.  They found that after keeping in the sun, the plate under the letters remained white but the other part became black.

Scientist Gaber observed that the solution of silver chloride in a transparent bottle becomes black by reacting with light, but Gabor sir could not know the reason for the change in color of the solution.

Like the experiment of scientist Gabor, scientist Charles William Sheel conducted an experiment.  In his experiment, he saw the effect of different colored light on silver chloride solution. 

He found that the red colored light failed to darken the solution, but in the light of all other colors, the solution became black.  

Thus, in the field of photography, safe light was discovered in the form of red light, which was used during the printing of black and white images in the dark room before the arrival of digital cameras.

Who invented the camera and when
In 1824, the great inventor of France, Joseph Nicefre Nipse, put a paste of a mixture of bitumen and lavender oil on a glass plate in the sun and after keeping it in the sun for several hours, washed the plate with lavender oil and acid respectively. 

Consequently a negative was obtained on the glass.  He called it 'Heliography' (Heliography - Helios = Sun, Sun; Graphein = drawing, illustration) which means depiction of the presence of the Sun.  It was later called 'photography'.

A sudden discovery of the developer used in photography was made.  It happened that in 1839 the scientist Louis Jaeques Mande Dagurre

put a coat of silver iodide on a metal plate and kept it in the sun for several hours.  He found that the image on the plate is very weak. 

They put this plate in the shelf.  The next day he was surprised to see that there was a clear image on the plate.  

After searching, he found that where he had placed the plate in the cupboard, there was also mercury in the side.  

They found out that the image was made in the clear form due to the vapor of mercury present in the cupboard.
Who invented the camera and when

Then in 1840 William Henry Fox Talbot invented a developer and wrote a book called "The Pencil of Nature".  This book was the first photograph book in the world.

After traveling this way, roll films started to be produced in 1888 and in the same year Eastman Kodak first introduced the Kodak Roll Film Camera.  

Deep research is still going on in the field of cameras and photography and new instruments and theories are being incorporated into it.

Today many types of cameras like digital, CCTV etc. have developed.  

Currently, its area is so wide that many of its branches seem to be completely different from each other, while their value is camera and photography, such as X-ray and infrared photography.

Nowadays everyone knows about the camera, what is happening, how is the appointment by which we take a photo and he takes our very own hands on a paper and the invention of the camera was a very big invention, changing the world.  

If you do not have to give, then perhaps the movie that is going on today may not happen because if the camera is not there then the movie and actress are of no use because

the camera has moved things forward, if the camera is not the same things will never reach such heights.  Reached, 

Who invented the camera and when
who is now a big superstar of Hollywood and Bollywood, he could never become such a big man, the invention of the camera gave achievements in the life of those people, but there were many such things which were easily done by the camera.  

After making the first camera, the photo was taken in a dark room. The word camera is derived from the Latin language meaning dark.

Although the camera was invented about 10 centuries ago by an Arabic Muslim, but at that time it has not been fully exposed to the world

and the cameras that run nowadays have happened in the last few years.  Was but still these days, there are so many great cameras that we can take a very long picture from them

So the camera is one of our very important things that can make any of our work great and easy because if you have to ask for some documents from someone, then you can send the man a picture of those documents.

In this, the camera is very beneficial for you because if you go there and bring that document, it will take a lot of time, so if you take a picture and send it, you will get it in a few seconds.

Because there are so many great cameras in the market nowadays, which can take photos far and wide, and today if we go to take mobiles in the market, then first of all we only see the camera because nowadays mobile phones also have such tremendous and great  Great cameras come that take your very best photos

Who invented the camera and when
A device that is used for taking videos and photos.  The camera is a great way to remember any special moment.  So today we will tell you something about the camera in this 

post, we will tell you about the invention of the camera, how the camera was invented and who did it, below we are giving you some such information.

In 1685 Johann Zahn first designed the camera but in 1814 me Nicéphore Niépce took the first photo.  Thousands of years ago, in 1021, an Iraqi scientist, Ibn-al-Haytham, in his book (The Book of Optics), also used such a device. 

But the first photography camera was made by Louis Daquerre in 1829.  It took nearly 10 years to make and the process that made the photo more was named "daguerreotype" and he did all this with the help of "Nicéphore Niépce".

But later the boys of Louis and Niepce sold all the rights of this process to the French government. And later it took many people to make the process even better and in 1841 Henry Fox Tablot started the calotype process.  In 1856, Hamilton Smith invented the tintypes process.

Then in 1940 color cameras came into the market commercially and Handy camera took the photography world further.