Who invented the Internet
Talking about today's time, INTERNET has emerged as the most important thing. Today, INTERNET has access to every third person. Life does not seem possible without INTERNET. INTERNET is the best INVENTION in the field of TECHNOLOGY.
Today with the help of INTERNET, you can talk to any person in any corner of the WORLD by doing VIDEO CALL, while on the other hand, you can ORDER anything, sitting at home, that thing will reach you in a few minutes. In today's time, if a person does not have INTERNET, then he is considered to be behind the world. Today, INTERNET has become a necessity for living, and everyone wants FAST INTERNET today.
What is internet
INTERNET stands for INTER CONNECTION of all devices means that through INTERNET we can connect any COMPUTER of WORLD to any other COMPUTER in the world, INTERNET is a network of networks.
When was the internet invented
It was not just a matter of one person being able to invent INTERNET. Many SCIENTIST and ENGINEERS were needed to make it. At the time of COLD WAR in 1957, America established the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) with the aim of creating a technology to connect one COMPUTER to another COMPUTER.
This AGENCY established ARPANET in 1969. So that any COMPUTER could be connected to any COMPUTER. By 1980, it was named INTERNET.
How does INTERNET work? What do you do if you want to MAIL SEND someone? If you MAIL TYPE, SEND it to anyone from Gmail, then the moment you SEND that mail, it is SEND from your internet protocol address meaning IP ADDRESS.
When you do this SEND, it goes from your ROUTER to many other ROUTER and goes to the ROUTER of the one you have SEND, and then it comes to that Gmail notification.
Internet run from SATELLITE
In this type of INTERNET, you do not need any broadband or any WIRE. It directly contacts SATELLITE, it has many types of SATELLITE in the space, which keeps working, so if you have to SEND something to a friend, then when you SEND, it will be from one of you Will go to SATELLITE, and then it will reach your friend MESSAGE through lots of SATELLITES.
Wired internet
In it, INTERNET connects to a broadband. And all these broadband are connected to a wire. This brodband is installed by an INTERNET PROVIDER company, which provides FAST INTERNET ACCESS. Being connected to a broadband wire provides considerable FAST INTERNET.
Internet Usage / USES OF INTERNET
If we talk about INTERNET in today's time, it has so many uses, that it becomes difficult to say in words. If you want to buy something, you can get that item to your home through INTERNET. If you want to know something on INTERNET, you will get a lot of SITES that will give you information.
If you want to buy SHARE of a company, then you can also buy it through DEMAT account using INTERNET. INTERNET has made LIFE of humans much easier.
If you want to go somewhere, you can still learn about that place through INTERNET, and see photos of that place or VIDEOS of that place. Nowadays, there is a lot of work in the education of INTERNET children.
internet which has connected the whole world today, do you know what is the full form of internet kya hai and internet ka. If not, we are telling you that the full form of internet is international network.
Let us now know what internet is. The Internet is a global structure of interconnected computers that extends private educational industrial and government networks to millions of people worldwide. Internet is a network of networks.
Around the world, almost all the networks are connected to the Internet. Internet is a system of computer-based international information, which is also known as "information Rajpath" means information super highway.
Today, to connect any computer to the Internet, we have to take service of internet service provider It is only then that we can use the Internet.
There are many internet service providers in India like jio, idea, airtel, vodafona. Which provide us internet facility.
According to the 2015 reports, 3.2 billion population uses the internet all over the world. We all must have at some time asked the question, who controls the Internet? And how does the internet reach us? And who invented the Internet?
Internet History:-
The Telegraph was invented in 1836. Within which Morse code technology was used. It connects through dots and country. Similarly, systems of 0 and 1 have been introduced in computers.
The transatlantic cable project was started in 1854 and completed in 1866. Through this project, cables were connected from one place to another in the Atlantic sea using communication. Today the whole world is connected to the Internet using this method.
After the invention of the telephone in 1876, the Internet became a medium to connect. The invention of the Internet was not created by any one person but was made with the contribution of many engineers.
Early computers:-
In the early days, computers used to be as big as a room. At that time, jobs (work) were done using batch processing. In batch processing (batch processing), the group of jobs were given to the computer through punch cards which they used to complete one by one.
After batch processing, time sharing computer was used in which many users could use one CPU. Every user is given a perticular time, due to which every user would complete their work together.
USA and Russia cold war:-
The Internet started in a way from the Cold War of Russia and America in the 1950s. On October 4, 1957, ussia's first man made satellite Sputnik was sent into space. Seeing this technology of Russia, America also felt that it should move forward in technology.
In 1958, the then President created the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to advance the US in technology and science. AARPA was later transferred to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In the same year when NASA was launched, all the space projects were awarded to NASA from DARPA.
Famous computer scientist J. C. R. Likhaldar (J. C. R. Licklider) was elected by the DARPA in 1962 to the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO), which was a part of DARPA.
From the very beginning, it was the idea of Likhaldar that all computers can be connected in a single network. With this idea, using 3 network terminals, Santa Monica, Berkeley and MIT were added. There were different commands for these 3 terminals.
Now there was a problem in it that at one point of time, bath could be done at any one terminal. For example, santa monica and MIT could not be bathed together.
To bathe at the second terminal, one had to get up from the first terminal and go to the second terminal. At that time, he must have such a terrain of thought which can connect everywhere. ARPANET was created with just this idea.
Packet Switching:-
Meanwhile, in 1960, after research in the US Research and Development (RAND Corporation) in 1960, Paul Baran invented a technology that could not destroy the network even after nuclear war, this technology was used in 1965 by the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) was invented by Donald Davies. The name of both of these inventions was Packet switching.
Packet switching was created with 3 concepts. First, it is a decentralized network. If any one path is destroyed, it immediately reaches the information through another road. Second is that it reaches the destination from source to destination in small packets.
Third is the IP address of the source and destination is on these packets and on every node it stores the data and then forward. If a packet is missed, a destination computer compiles the file by requesting that missing packet. All this happens in the speed of process light. The light travels 300,000 kilo meters in 1 second.
Interface Message Processor (IMP):-
At a conference in 1967, Arpanet's developers heard about packet switching and wanted to implement this technique in ARPANET. In 1969, a company called BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman) got the contract to create Interface Message Processor (IMP) which was a mini computer. And it would be connected to the mainframe which worked like today's router.
Backbone of Internet:-
October 29,1969 At 10:30 pm, the first Internet connection between the University of California, Los Angeles and Stanford Research Institute was established using IMP and serial communication.
Both the places were also connected to the telephone and firstly typed L and O in the message from one place to another and confirmed on the telephone when a type of system crash (Crash) was done, thus sending the first to the Internet. Message LO was created. Full message login was sent after few hours.
The connection of these two universities is considered to be the back bone of the Internet. After this, BBNs created more IMPs and successive universities went on adding to this network and the network grew and became internetworking internet.