How does the Internet Run

How does the Internet Run

We all know what the Internet is, but how does the Internet run?  Or hardly you know how it works.  Using the Internet, we can get the information contained in computers around the world in our device.  

We can say that the information that we were once unable to access today, we can access them very easily using the net.

 In this post, we will tell you about the technologies and infrastructure due to which Internet runs.  

Although this topic is quite complex, but we will keep it as simple as possible.  If you are not technical at all, you may have problems with some words.  So how does the Internet work without losing time?

How Internet Works

To understand this system, we have to start from the beginning as we know, the Internet is nothing but the largest network of computers present in the world i.e. the largest network.  Computer means not just normal computers, but all types of computing devices, including our mobile and tablet.

How does the Internet run,

The Internet started around 1960, when J.C. Licklider popularized the idea of ​​Intergalactic Network.  It was only after this that computer scientists began to develop the concept of packet switching (this is a method of effectively transmitting electronic data).

Although it is not completely clear when the Internet first arrived.  But in 1960 the U.S.  A research project funded by the Department of Defense 'APRANET' was started.  In which many computers on a single network could be connected and communicated between them.

This was the technology that enabled us to establish a connection between computing devices.  So Internet is a way of connecting all computers together so that they can communicate information among themselves.  That is, this web page on which you are reading information is also a server store in a kind of powerful computer.

 What is the World Wide Web (WWW)

 Wires, Cables & Towers

Now there will be a question in your mind that how this information travels from one place to another, then all this happens through Ethernet cables, wireless radio connection and satellite.  When two computers have to communicate together, you have to connect them to each other.

To do this you will either link them physically (usually via Ethernet cables) or wirelessly (for example via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth systems).  So you see the cables laying under the ground or you see phone towers near you, with the help of them your computer or mobile is connected to other computing devices around the world.

How does the Internet run,

 ISP (Internet Service Provider)

If you do not know, then ISP or Internet Service Provider is the only one that allows you to run net in your device.  For example, BSNL, Airtel, Jio, Vodafone and Idea are all ISP companies.  What would be his work and what does he charge from us, let us understand this a little deeper.

Internet means a network on which countless computers connect and communicate with each other and exchange information.  Now if you want information from devices connected to the Internet, then first you have to connect to this network.  

Some specific telecommunications, networking and routing equipment is required to connect to the network.

So ISPs have responsibility for all these devices and telecommunication lines.  Laying of cable lines under the ground, putting mobile towers in place and taking care of them is with the ISPs.  Now they will do all these work for free or not, so they take money from you.

Servers and Clients

It is very important to know about these two words to fully understand how the Net runs.  Clients means that the customer includes the computer, smartphone and other device in which you run the internet.  Server is the machine that stores information, read this post to know how the server works.  Another term router which acts as a connecting point between these two.

How does the Internet run ,internet uses

Connecting all of these is the transmission line that can be physical, such as in the case of cables and fiber optics, or they can be wireless signals, such as those emanating from towers and satellites.  Routers and cables act as the backbone of the Internet in running the Internet.  Which are provided by ISP (Internet Service Provider).

However, there are many types of servers, for example file server to store common documents, mail server to hold your emails, and web pages which store web pages are called web servers.  So whenever you open a site in your browser, it is stored in a server.  Now because your computer and that server are connected through the Internet network, so you can access that website.

IP Address

One more thing to think about is that countless devices are connected on the Internet, then how does the computer receive that file.  So every computer connected to the Internet, whether it is a server or a router, 

all have a unique address, which we call IP address (know how many types of IP addresses are there).  This is like our home address.  If someone wants to send us something, they will send it to this address.

An IP address is an address made up of a series of four numbers separated by dots, something like '192.168.  0.255 '.  If you know the IP address of a website, then you can open the website just by entering that IP.  But it is difficult for humans to remember these numbers.  To make things easier, we give a name to each IP address, which is called Domain Name.

For example, and are all domain names.  But computers do not understand human language, they only understand computer language.  When you write, how does the computer know what the IP address of this site will be.

 It is used for Domain Name System (DNS), it is a decentralized database, read what is a database.  In this, every IP address with its domain name is mapped.  To know about the database, read these posts, so whenever you request to open a site, the computer first goes to DNS and brings the IP address of that website.  After that the request goes to the server.


If you know how the computer works, then you must also know that, they work on the basis of binary number system.  The binary number consists of 0 and 1.  A 0 or a 1 is called 1 bit.  8 bits together make 1 byte, 1.024 byte together make 1 KB, and 1024 KB together make 1 MB.  That is, computers store data in the form of 0s and 1s.  Explain in detail what is Bit and Byte

So whatever data is sent and received between computers is in the form of 0 and 1.  Now, let us come to the example of Uppar, when you open a website, it is stored on a server.  The server sends you that file of the website in the form of a large collection of zeros and ones, called packets.  The size of a packet can be from 1000 to 1500 bytes.

How does the Internet run, what is internet
Wireless network

Now because there are more computers on the network, who are receiving files from other servers, due to which the traffic on the network is very high.  In this case, packets can take different routes to reach your device.  Now the problem here is, the file of the site you opened is coming to you in many packets and that too through different routes.  So how can they all reach their right destination, Protocols are used for this.

Protocols usually establish some rules so that the packets reach their right destination safely.  Apart from this, you can also call them a set of rules, which decide how to communicate computers on the network.