What is WWW

What is WWW

Today the whole world is dependent on the Internet and everyone is using the Internet in some form or the other.  If you talk about internet, then to access the facilities of internet, one has to be connected to a website.  

A website is usually made for any one topic or purpose.  Every website has a unique address that is next to WWW, but very few people know about WWW what WWW means.  So today we are going to give you this information WWW.
What is WWW , World wide web
World wide web

The Internet has emerged as a wonderful revolution in the field of technology.  All kinds of information can be obtained on the Internet.  Internet and WWW depend on each other.  

Although these two are connected, but both of them are different things.  WWW is an easy way to get information available on the Internet.  If we visit any website, first of all we get WWW written next to it, then in the end is it WWW?  And who is the inventor of WWW?  Let's know in detail.

What is WWW 

WWW is a platform where information is kept as one website, by which all websites are given a name.  WWW is a way to access the Internet.  All the websites connected to the Internet across the world are collected on WWW.  This is a means of obtaining information in the form of links.  All the computers in the world are connected by WWW technology.


WWW is a huge network, all the websites and web pages in the world are on the Internet, their mail is called World Wide Web.  WWW is also known as a collection of web pages, web servers, URLs, hyperlinks and HTTP.

There is some more information about WWW which is very important.  Like - what is the functioning of WWW, how does it work, let us know further

The WWW client is based on the server model. The HTML language provides a hypertext link that helps the user access the pages associated with the website.

 History Of WWW 

WWW  Founder Tim Berners Lee is believed to have invented the WWW in 1989 and the first trial was conducted in December 1990 at CERN Laboratories in Switzerland.  Before the World Wide Web, the Internet consisted of only text.  There was only one font and font size, there have been many changes from WWW invented.  Due to which images, sounds are being displayed and exchanged.  Every site on the web in the world has a unique URL.

By 1993, browser and web server software had become available and by the end of 1992 there had been about 26 Sites.  In 1993, Mark Andresen created Mosaic, the world's first popular browser.  Which made it easier to use the Internet, but Mosaic was a slow browser.  He could not do big downloading.  There was a lot of change from the web browser.  Since then, in late 1994, millions of web browsers were used.